To be subject and object
by François Brooks
“All that exists for me, outside of myself, is object. All that I can objectify, that is perceive;
I see as something that is accessory and that I can use to my own benefit. The table, the pen that I use, but also the people.
As for the things that belong to me, it is easy. I can dispose of them as I see fit, in all freedom. The things that do not belong to me, if I rent or buy them,
I can also dispose of them as
I see fit.
For people, it is a bit more complicated. But with skill, my will can convince them, by dint of arguments, kindness, salary, or even by force, to put themselves at the disposal of my will. This is how I can consider the people I meet as objects…”
Art at the service of corporate culture.
Question stereotypes. Dialogue without taboo. Leave the beaten track.
Companies need it.
Thanks to a subtle integration of art in their management, companies can achieve it.
Art in the professional world?
A good way to open the spirit of the co-workers, to weave a social fabric.
"Je ne suis pas une potiche" matter for debate, matter for reflection.
Create exchanges
Facilitate exchanges between all members of the company, whatever their hierarchical level
Internal and external communication tool
To make tangible a certain number of problems concerning the life of the company and of its employees
Reinforce dialogue
Faced to the work "Je ne suis pas une potiche", professional hierarchies make more room for transversal dialogues
Strengthen team spirit
Reinforce respect of any kind
Art is a trigger, it challenges, it makes us think.
Each human being is important.
This work of art, this potiche, stimulates respect and discussion in your company.
It reminds us that human beings are not "potiche", objects that men and women, old and young, should be considered as equals.
Encourage your teams to live an experience about respect. Throughout their
encounters with their work.
Playing with the "potiche", we awaken our consciences. It allows us to adopt
new behaviors, ideas and beliefs.